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REGATRACE (REnewable GAs TRAde Centre in Europe) is a H2020 project which aims to create an efficient system for issuing and trading biomethane/renewable gases Guarantees of Origin (GoO). This will strongly contribute to the uptake of the European common biomethane market.
The REGATRACE project runs from June 2019 till November 2022.

AIB is leading a work package on the integration of guarantees of origin for multiple energy carriers.

The REGATRACE project runs from June 2019 till November 2022.  AIB is leading a work package on the integration of guarantees of origin for multiple energy carriers.

In this work package, the project published a report on “Guidelines for the verification of cross-sectoral concepts”. This maps verification areas in relation with tracking of energy carrier conversion between electricity, hydrogen, biomethane, bio-LNG and biomethanol along the value chain. In June 2021 a report waspublished on the comparison between the certification systems of AIB, ERGaR and CertifHy. 

Further, an exercise mapped the practical challenges related to energy carrier conversion. A closed workshop on 11th March 2021 with issuing bodies and registry operators aimed to synchronise understanding of technical challenges and collect participant feedback.

Together with surveys and numerous discussions with issuing bodies and stakeholders in the sector, these formed inputs for the reports on harmonised rules for energy carrier conversion (October 2021) and a design study on a coordinated conversion process (September 2022), that were led by AIB, in the person of Katrien Verwimp.

More about this work package.


The final conference took place on 16 November 2022

The many experts of the consortium presented their work on the project, considered policy developments, challenges and strengths in the different national configurations. Good conversations took place amongst many stakeholders, including with AIB members appointed for issuing gas GOs in Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and Flanders.

See here the slides with recommendations on Integration of GOs for different energy carriers

This project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under Grant Agreement no. 857796

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REGATRACE final conference - 16 Nov 2022

The many experts of the consortium presented their work on the project, considered policy developments, challenges and strengths in the different national configurations. Good conversations took place amongst many stakeholders, including with AIB members appointed for issuing gas GOs in Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and Flanders.

See here the slides with recommendations on Integration of GOs for different energy carriers

Design study on a coordinated process for handling guarantees of origin for energy conversion

Energy Carriers can be converted into each other, and their origin can be proven with guarantees of origin (GOs), which needs a common approach to GO management. This AIB-led study investigates how to maintain reliability and efficiency when issuing GOs after energy carrier conversion for which the input energy was certified with cancelled GOs.

This is the link to the D4.4 report

Report with conversion rules

AIB led the drafting of a report with “Harmonised Rules for handling guarantees of origin for energy carrier conversion”.

This intends to support issuing bodies and registry operators by establishing a common understanding of the practical challenges and recommending solutions.
Harmonised rules are essential for a functional market for guarantees of origin that facilitates cross- border transfer from nationally governed GO systems. They enable trust with regards to imported GOs from other countries and enhance efficiency in the management of the GO system. 

This is the link to the D4.3 report

Workshop on challenges for energy conversion

On 11 March 2021 a workshop for issuing bodies and registry operators of energy attribute tracking systems was held on:

Mapping Challenges for certificate handling in relation with energy carrier conversion”.
The aim of this workshop was to establish common understanding of the practical challenges and potential solutions, and to collect feedback from the attendees regarding the challenges they experience or foresee in their domain.

This input is used to elaborate solutions in the REGATRACE task 4.3 regarding coordination between the electricity and renewable gas and hydrogen certification (GO) systems.

More information with agenda.

See here all presentations in one file.