naturemade is a label for the award of all energy production (electricity, biogas, heating/cooling) and supply from renewable sources. naturemade stands for credible quality and ecological improvement and includes the naturemade support model.

- naturemade indicates electricity, heating/cooling and fuels from 100% renewable sources. naturemade certified energy includes 10%, 20%, 50% or 100% eco – energy, indicated by the number of points. Eco – energy corresponds to the naturemade star quality.
- naturemade star indicates energy produced with special respect to the environment. The energy comes from 100% renewable sources and guarantees compliance with further, stricter and more comprehensive ecological requirements. The requirements are based on eco-balances of every energy system and scientific criteria on the plant.
- The mark is awarded after thorough inspection by the Association for environmentally sound energy (VUE, founded 1999). naturemade enjoys wide support: environmental and consumer organizations, renewable energy associations, major energy consumers and large, medium and small energy suppliers and producers are all represented in VUE and on its Board.
naturemade Certification Guidelines – Conditions and Criteria
- naturemade stands for protecting the climate and the nature.
- naturemade energies and resources basically meet criteria that go beyond legal requirements.
- particularly strict requirements regarding ecological energy and resources.
- naturemade's customers are increasingly greening the Swiss energy system.
- the naturemade Eco-Fund contributes to reduce unavoidable effects of the energy system on climate and nature and to substitute non-renewable energies in line with the VUE's vision.
For more information, please visit our webpage ( or contact us at (
On 9 October 2018 the General Meeting supported the application of Naturemade for ICS accreditation.