Disclosure Platform
AIB established a Disclosure Platform that meets on a regular basis. The intention is to provide the relevant competent bodies for disclosure with a framework for regular informal discussions on disclosure of the electricity and gas supplied to consumers in Europe.
In the Disclosure Platform, the participants share knowledge, discuss best practices and to achieve international harmonisation of disclosure of the origin of supplied energy in Europe.
The kickoff meeting was held on June 10th, 2021 with 46 participants from 28 organisations, from competent bodies for disclosure, responsible ministries and issuing bodies. The group aims to meet twice per year.
Competent bodies for supervision of electricity and gas disclosure and issuing bodies for guarantees of origin from all states of the EU, European Economic Area and Energy Community are welcome, regardless of AIB membership.

Competent bodies for supervision of electricity and gas disclosure and issuing bodies for guarantees of origin discuss topics like:
- best practices on electricity disclosure in various European countries,
- the transparency and data sources used for calculating the European Residual Mix.
In case of interest please send an email to info@aib-net.org.