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AIB is involved in discussions related to topics of relevance.

3 July 2024 AIB reacts to the ACER Consultation on the introduction of voluntary templates for Power Purchase. Agreement contracts in the EU energy market. See the reply on this link.

22 May 2024 AIB reacts to the EU Consultation on Carbon Footprint Methodology for Batteries for Electric Vehicles, as it disregards guarantees of origin. See the reply on this link.

16 October 2023 AIB's analysis of the impact of REDIII on guarantees of origin. Read the analysis on this link. 

1 June 2023 AIB conditionally lifts the suspension of exports out of Iceland pending resolution of the rectification order. Read the press release. 

24 May 2023 Since 27 April 2023 exports of Icelandic GOs out of Iceland are temporariliy suspended. Read the Q&A on this link. -  Read the press release on this link. 

9 March 2023 AIB's letter to the European Commission on how REDIII will regulate the link between guarantees of origin (GO) for gases and the Union Database (UDB) for renewable gaseous fuels, given that both regulatory certification and tracking systems simultaneously apply to renewable gases. Read the letter on this link

13 February 2023 AIB reacts to the consultation on the revision of the Electricity Market Design Directive. Read the full reaction on this link.

27 January 2023 AIB reacts to the surveys of the revision of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Read the full reaction on this link. 

24 January 2023 AIB reacts to the CEER consultation on updated guidelines of good practice for trustworthy information on green offers and consumer protection against misleading marketing. Read the full reaction on this link

19 August 2022 AIB reacts to ENTSO-E paper on market design for guarantees of origin. See the reaction on LinkedIn: AIB reaction to ENTSO-E position paper on GO market design

3 April 2022 AIB reacts to the consultation on the revision of the Gas Market Design Directive. Read the full reaction on this link.