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ReGaDISS -Reliable Gas Disclosure System is a one-year project under a service contract to DG Ener of the European Commission, based on the terms of reference N° ENER/2023/MVP/0010. The goal is to provide Technical assistance to develop methodologies compliant with disclosure obligations on gases from renewable energy sources.
The project developed basics for a methodology for a residual mix for gases, in line with the gas disclosure obligation following art. 19.8 of the RED3 and Annex 1§5 of the recast Gas Directive.

Project Leader: Katrien Verwimp
Start: January 2024.

Final Report Published

We’re pleased to announce that our latest report on the methodology for the calculation of the gas Residual Mix is now finalised and officially available.

This comprehensive document outlines a proposed methodology, providing clear reasoning and analysis on key aspects such as model accuracy, calculation complexity, consumer transparency, and data sources. It also includes a framework analysis for disclosure and residual mix calculations for gases.

You can download the full report below and visit the Publications Office of the European Union for more details.

Final Report technical assistance to develop methodologies compliant-MJ0125023ENN.pdf (4.846kb) Download

Slides and recording of REGADISS Stakeholder Workshop available

On September 3rd, the REGADISS Stakeholder Workshop was organised. The slides and the recording of the workshop may be found on the  workshop webpage.

This Workshop aimed to present the REGADISS Task 3 report "Draft Methodology for Disclosure Supervision and Residual Mix Calculation for Gases" (see link) and the Stakeholder Consultation (closed as of 15 September 2024).

REGADISS Task Structure

REGADISS consists of 5 tasks: 

Task 1: Analysis of the current legal framework and methodologies (EU wide overview of the currently used approaches for Residual Mix)
Task 2: Technical and legal requirements that a methodology for Residual Mix in gases shall comply with
Task 3: Draft methodology for disclosure supervision and Residual Mix calculation for gases
Task 4: Stakeholder consultation and Dissemination
Task 5: Final version of the methodology

New datasheet GO & disclosure template

The national datasheets on GO & disclosure stem from the country profiles, set up during the RE-DISS project. These datasheets provide a comprehensive overview of the systems for GOs and disclosure in different countries, and allow for easy comparison. After the finalization of RE-DISS, AIB took over the national datasheets and integrated them in the periodic member reviews. This is an effort to keep an actual overview of the different national GO systems, and how countries handle disclosure. 

With the addition of GOs for other energy carriers, the datasheet template was in need of an update. Until recently, only electricity GOs and disclosure were considered. Within REGADISS, the template was upgraded to a large extent:

  • Columns for (bio)methane, hydrogen, other gases and heating & cooling were added, and
  • Questions were added to better grasp how different countries handle e.g., granular GOs, power purchase agreements, interaction between GOs and the European Union Database for Biofuels,...

Issuing Bodies and Disclosure Competent Bodies were first asked to comment on the proposed template, and subsequently to fill in the revised template. The results may be consulted on our webpage for National Datasheets on GOs and Disclosure. Please look for the country profiles that were updated in 2024. 

The new template developed as part of REGADISS can be downloaded using the download button below. 

» Example from the new template of the datasheet GO and Disclosure
Template Data Sheet on GO and Disclosure 20240924 AIB-2024-EECSU-06-04 Template Data Sheet on GO and Disclosure_20240924_.xlsx (42kb) Download

REGADISS Deliverables

Consult the various published deliverables of the REGADISS Project through the links below.