AIB Projects and Other News
This page contains details of projects which the AIB is leading, or in which it AIB is participating. It also contains details of discussions related to topics which the AIB is currently seeking input.
REGADISS - Reliable Gas Disclosure System
ReGaDISS -Reliable Gas Disclosure System is a one-year project under a service contract to DG Ener of the European Commission, based on the terms of reference N° ENER/2023/MVP/0010. The goal is to provide Technical assistance to develop methodologies compliant with disclosure obligations on gases from renewable energy sources. The project will develop basics for a methodology for a residual mix for gases, in line with the gas disclosure obligation following art. 19.8 of the RED3 and the upcoming revision of the Gas Directive.
FASTGO - Facilitating Standards for Guarantees of Origin
This project provided expert advice to the European Commission DG ENER, based on the terms of Reference N° ENER/C1/2019-517: “Technical support for RES policy development & implementation. Establishing technical requirements and facilitating the standardisation process for guarantees of origin on basis of Dir (EU) 2018/2001.”
REGATRACE - REnewable GAs TRAde Centre in Europe
This project aims to create an efficient system for issuing and trading biomethane/renewable gases Guarantees of Origin (GoO). This will strongly contribute to the uptake of the European common biomethane market.
CertifHy enters into phase 3 to implement a harmonized H2 Guarantee of Origin (GO) scheme across Europe & beyond, build a market for H2 GO trade in close collaboration with market actors, and design a Certification Scheme for compliance with RED II renewable fuels for transport.
Other News - discussions related to topics of relevance for AIB