AIB participates in the CertifHy III project.
We aim to integrate CertifHy as an independent criteria scheme under the European Energy Certificate System (EECS), and to facilitate the work of Issuing Bodies for hydrogen certificates in the EECS Gas Scheme.
CertifHy phase III will implement a harmonized H2 Guarantee of Origin (GO) scheme across Europe & beyond, build a market for H2 GO trade in close collaboration with market actors, and design a Certification Scheme for compliance with RED II renewable fuels for transport.
For more detail please read the press release from 17 December 2020.
On 28 April 2022, members from the CertifHy™ Stakeholder Platform voted in favor of the endorsement of the new CertifHy™ scheme documents. The vote ratified the adjustments made to the existing documents in order to comply with the requirements of the Association of Issuing Bodies’ (AIB) European Energy Certificate System (EECS®).
If you would like to know more about this important step for the new CertifHy™ scheme, we invite you to read the full press release.
In October 2022 a video was launched: "Certifhy™ Certification Scheme - What is it?". This informative, dynamic and illustrative video can help all stakeholders better understand what is CertifHy™, how it works, and what the registration process is.
End of November 2022 CertifHy™ signed a Memorandum of Understanding with RSB (Roundtable for Sustainable Biomaterials) which will allow RSB and CertifHy™ to explore ways to join forces on the RFNBO certification market in Europe and beyond. See here the full press release.
In March 2023 CertifHy™ submitted its Renewable Fuels of Non-Biological Origin (RFNBO) EU Voluntary Scheme documents for approval by the European Commission.See here the press release.
In July 2023 CertifHy™ applied for recognition of the CertifHY NGC as Independent Criteria Scheme under EECS.
Please also visit the Documents Section on the website www.certifhy.eu where you can find all the documentation needed about the new CertifHy™ scheme.
This project is supported by the FCH 2 JU.